Monday, March 29, 2010

February 2010 Accounting Newsletter

1. Having a Tax Planning Checklist

How many times have you asked yourself, "Have I got EVERYTHING I need to do my taxes?" Probably too many times. While the tax laws may change yearly, the basic information you need to do your return or take to your tax preparer doesn't change that much. This podcast, featuring a member of the New Jersey Society of CPAs, will discuss all the data you might need and what you should do with it.

> SEE ALSO: Getting Organized at Tax Time -


2. Tax Advantages of Home Ownership

There are significant tax advantages that can make the prospect of home ownership more affordable. As a result of the sluggish economy, the federal government has recently extended a popular tax credit through June 2010 and broadened the number of people who qualify.


3. Tax Time Questions for Your CPA

Tackling your tax return can be daunting. That’s why it’s a good idea to arrive at your tax return preparation appointment ready with questions that will help clarify the issues that concern you most. Here are some tips on what to ask your tax preparer at tax time.


4. America Saves

February 21-28 is America Saves Week 2010. Learn about proven savings strategies, and get simple tips on the best ways to save.

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